
Showing posts from April, 2013

Creative writing: SNAPSHOT!

  Hello folks, today I decided to share one of the "poems" (I don't like the word but it kind of is a poem) I wrote some years ago for a creative writing course. The exercise was called "Camera", we basically had to take some minutes and write down all the sensory impressions we got, as if they were snapshots - no complex sentences allowed!   Enjoy reading, feedback is welcome! May you be inspired to write something on your own! :-) NK _________________________________________________________________________________________ Snapshot signs in the grass woman with sunglasses train having technical problems people walking up and down – nervous yellow card on my knees swollen finger – hard to move hard to write, hard to calm sweat lying in the air dustbin on my left side time passing sunshine through the window flowers growing phone ringing lamps wasting energy automatic doors opening and closing woman biting into an apple laughters all aro...