Creative writing: SNAPSHOT!

 Hello folks,
today I decided to share one of the "poems" (I don't like the word but it kind of is a poem) I wrote some years ago for a creative writing course.The exercise was called "Camera", we basically had to take some minutes and write down all the sensory impressions we got, as if they were snapshots - no complex sentences allowed!
  Enjoy reading, feedback is welcome! May you be inspired to write something on your own! :-) NK



signs in the grass
woman with sunglasses
train having technical problems
people walking up and down – nervous
yellow card on my knees
swollen finger – hard to move
hard to write, hard to calm
sweat lying in the air
dustbin on my left side
time passing
sunshine through the window
flowers growing
phone ringing
lamps wasting energy
automatic doors opening and closing
woman biting into an apple
laughters all around
green shirt, red bag, purple door
motor getting louder and louder
people getting quiet – nervous
Siemens advertisement
dirty windows on my right
portuguese woman talking to her boyfriend
train passing by
black spots on my hand
grey highway, blue anchor
trees getting green
reflection in the window
woman almost falling on me
tunnel coming, dark as night
sun blinding my eyes
swimming pool in the garden
blue, cloudless sky
colorful villages
wide grass fields with butterflowers
white balcony and shields
woman announcing the next stop
railway station, church, brown
mom's calling, 2020
songs flowing through my head
man looking out for a place to sit
people getting nervous, 17.09.11
cars passing by
fingers taking shape of my pen
again train having technical problems
stepping out, waiting


© Nura Kaber 2011


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